June 2019

  • Grounding for an Akashic Record Reading.

    Grounding for an Akashic Record Reading.

    Grounding for an Akashic Record Reading I have found that getting yourself grounded before entering the Etheric Relm and going into your records, or a clients records gives you a better reading. Grounding is a must, this will help you connect with your guides, if you are reading for a client this will help you…

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  • Akashic Record Guides and Guardians

    Akashic Record Guides and Guardians

    Akashic Record Guides and Guardian Here are the most common questions I am asked. The first question asked is how many guides are there? Well, here is my answer.. there are at least two, but can be many more… we will have at least one additional guide that changes as we experience new things in…

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  • Happy Father’s Day!

    Happy Father’s Day!

    Have a fantastic day,  I understand what a gift you are!

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  • What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading.

    What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading.

    What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading. First, we will chat about you to get you relaxed and ready for a reading and to get you thinking about what you would like out of the reading. I will ask if you have ever had a reading before if so have you gone to…

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  • What are the Akashic Records?

    What are the Akashic Records?

    What are the Akashic Records ? A simple explanation is “ The Book of Life”. I want to take it farther than that, lets talk about what and where it is. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “Space”, in the Indian language it means “Sky”. To me, the Akashic Records are in the Etheric Relm/plane.…

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