
  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Everyone at Eagle’s Moon Healing wish you a Happy New Year!

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  • Smudging your web pages

    Smudging your web pages

    Today is the New Moon in Sagittarius set your intentions and Manifest! Take time to smudge your web pages.. With this smoke I release all the negative energy trapped in these pages, it is time for you to go…  It is time for the old ideas to be released, and new ideas to come in, we…

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  • Day of the Dead!

    Day of the Dead!

    Today I want to thank all my ancestors for the help they give me with my craft. They help guide me in my day to day life.  I am the person I am because of my ancestors Thank you, with gratitude and love. Namaste

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  • New Moon in Scorpio

    New Moon in Scorpio

    New Moon in Scorpio Are you ready for a shift or extreme makeover? This new moon is ready to help you get rolling on that! This change will be an inside job as well as an outer transformation, Scorpio is a secretive energy, so you must be open to it and ready to receive it.…

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  • 9 11 2001

    9 11 2001

    Please remember all the families and loved ones, that lost someone on this day! Send them light, love, and healing! Life is to short, remember your loved ones.

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  • Moldavite Aura Spray

    Moldavite Aura Spray

    Moldavite Aura Spray Moldavite oil and Moldavite Aura Spray help with higher self-connection.  In my opinion, moldavite helps me connect with the divine, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Akashic Record Guides, any type of reading or meditation I need to do. I use moldavite when I meditate, for myself personally moldavite is my go-to spray! I use…

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  • Tools for Grounding

    Tools for Grounding

    Tools for Grounding I have talked about grounding in the last post, now lets chat about grounding tools. I have clients that have trouble grounding for one reason or another. Here are a few examples; don’t like their feet dirty, cannot connect alone, cannot focus. There are many others. Let’s see if we can help…

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  • Wishing you a Happy 4th of July

    Wishing you a Happy 4th of July

    Just wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a very Happy 4th of July! I am so Grateful that I am spending mine with Family!

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  • Grounding for an Akashic Record Reading.

    Grounding for an Akashic Record Reading.

    Grounding for an Akashic Record Reading I have found that getting yourself grounded before entering the Etheric Relm and going into your records, or a clients records gives you a better reading. Grounding is a must, this will help you connect with your guides, if you are reading for a client this will help you…

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  • Akashic Record Guides and Guardians

    Akashic Record Guides and Guardians

    Akashic Record Guides and Guardian Here are the most common questions I am asked. The first question asked is how many guides are there? Well, here is my answer.. there are at least two, but can be many more… we will have at least one additional guide that changes as we experience new things in…

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