Daily Card Reading ~ Abundance


Daily Card Reading ~ Abundance




I am a limitless being, and I can manifest whatever I desire in the physical reality

Always remember that you are God, and God is all about creation. God says yes: the ego says no. In order to have abundance in all areas of your life, you must create the space of receiving and know that you are deserving of anything your heart desires. The more you can release limited thinking and worry, the more open you are to receiving the infinite flow of the Universe.

Allow yourself to have fun when manifesting what you want in life, and enjoy the process. By embracing a positive mindset you are opening the door to unexpected abundance. It is natural to have abundance in your life, and you must realize that any thoughts of limitedness may have come from either a past life or a life condition you have chosen to overcome. They could also originate from programming that you received from the environment you grew up in and the value system you were taught when you were young.

Now is the time to begin to live with the realization that you are worthy of having abundance in every aspect of your life. When you are in the vibration of receiving, you can manifest whatever you desire in this physical reality.


The Soul’s Journey ~ James Van Praagh