Daily Card Reading ~ Change

Daily Card Reading ~ Change


I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement

There is a certain comfort in the idea of living a life without surprises. The status quo has an appeal, but you will never learn or grow if your circumstances stay the same. Everybody wants life to be better, but that requires change. You have chosen to incarnate into this physical dimension called Earth because of the myriad of opportunities. If you don’t take advantage of them, what was the point?

Staying within your comfort zone is overrated. With change comes transformation, and with transformation comes evolution.

Stop viewing change as good or bad, because all change nourishes your soul. Don’t equate it with a lack of control. Life happens, and it’s supposed to happen. You can direct how it plays out, and you always have the power to accept a change that redirects your path.


The Soul’s Journey~ James Van Praagh