Daily Card Reading – Freedom


Daily Card Reading – Freedom



I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness


Your soul is open to receiving new wisdom and insights that will allow it to make the right choices for its own growth. Remember, you are never a victim of other people or their circumstances. You have complete control over your own choices. By following your heart and being authentic to yourself, you present the real you to the world.  Making decisions based on other people’s expectations is not the true path to happiness. You are responsible for creating your own reality.

When a soul shifts to a place of honoring itself in its totality—free from judgment—only then will it find its true freedom. Every soul is unique and follows its own path. Don’t give in to peer pressure or the urge to fit in. You are the only one who truly knows the real you, so feel free to march to the beat of your own drummer.


The Soul’s Journey~ James Van Praagh