Full Moon

Full Moon





Change is
likely happening & some comments
about the proposed new Zodiac signs
(October 15, 2016)
This article is by Anne Reith, Ph.D.

Several of you
have asked for
my “take” on
the proposed
idea that there
are 13 zodiac
signs instead
of 12. (Feel
free to do a
Google search
if you wish to see a list of the proposed signs/dates and the proposed
meaning of the 13 sign, which is called Ophiuchus.) To my
recollection, the idea of 13 zodiac signs first started circulating in the
s, and the idea seems to resurface every few years. It’s
recently been introduced again. The bottom line is that this is
something being proposed by the astronomical community and not
the astrological community. Astrologers are not adopting the
proposed change. For those interested in learning more, one of my
readers (Thank you Kristi Mead!) sent me a link to this blog post that
I feel explains the astrological community’s view on this subject very
well, including quotes from the wellknown
astrologer Jeff Jawer.
Although the post is dated back in 2011, it is still accurate. So fear
not! You are still your same sign in the eyes of astrologers!

Don’t for get to Clear/Cleanse your Crystals and Stones! Have you tried MOON WATER? Next month we will be doing a class on Moon Water…. Check back often to see when it will be.

