• Happy Father’s Day!

    Happy Father’s Day!

    Have a fantastic day,  I understand what a gift you are!

  • What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading.

    What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading.

    What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading. First, we will chat about you to get you relaxed and ready for a reading and to get you thinking about what you would like out of the reading. I will ask if you have ever had a reading before if so have you gone to…

  • What are the Akashic Records?

    What are the Akashic Records?

    What are the Akashic Records ? A simple explanation is “ The Book of Life”. I want to take it farther than that, lets talk about what and where it is. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “Space”, in the Indian language it means “Sky”. To me, the Akashic Records are in the Etheric Relm/plane.…

  • Happy Memorial Day

    Happy Memorial Day

    I want to Thank all the Veteran’s for their service. My father was a medic in WWII Thank you Dad for your service! Eagle’s Moon Healing will be closed today!

  • Happy May Day!

    Happy May Day!

    I want to wish everyone a very Happy May Day!!

  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day

    Everyone at Eagle’s Moon Healing wishes you a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  • Smudging Aura Spray

    Smudging  Aura Spray

    Smudging Aura Spray   Smudging Spray is great for those times when you just cannot burn sage, sweetgrass, cedar, palo santo removing negative energy, stagnant energy, clearing auras, removing anyone else’s energy, and negative entities. This spray has the properties in it to remove negative energy and also to replace it with positive energy, it…

  • Hoyt’s German Cologne

    Hoyt’s German Cologne

    On Sunday I was a vendor at a grand opening, Chicks with Spiritual Gifts. I met so many wonderful people, one person made my day. Funny how these things happen. One of the new products I brought was Hoyt’s German Cologne. This was its debut!! Most of the people there didn’t even give it a…

  • Palo Santo Aura Spray

    Palo Santo Aura Spray

    ****************NEW PRODUCT********** Palo Santo is great for removing negative energy, and negative entities. This spray has a earthy citrus tone to it. It also helps with grounding and raising your vibrational level. This is a great spray to use when you have been around negative people and just feel drained, spray yourself just as if…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day