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Blame I accept responsibility for my well-being It is so easy to give away the power to transform your life. Certainly, there have been people along your path who have shaped you into who you are today, but you are solely responsible for your own happiness. The ego can be a very fragile thing,…
Peace I am being of love, and I release all negative energy This is a gentle reminder that balance in the mind is imperative in order for your soul to live its true nature. At this time in your life, you are to learn the value of peace and quiet and the joy of being…
Service I feel good when I can help others One of the most evolved gifts that a soul possesses is giving of itself. There is a reason why it feels good to give –it is because your soul resonates with that vibration. Your soul should be aware that it might currently be in a…
Growth I want to expand my consciousness and my awareness You are constantly being presented with situations that enable you to develop your inner wisdom and assist you in advancing to higher levels of understanding. The lesson is to be aware of these events and recognize them for what they are. To live a…
Balance I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment Balance means bringing a sense of stability and wholeness into every area of your life. Many times when you look at a situation objectively, you will resonate with one side more than the other. Try not to…
Abundance I am a limitless being, and I can manifest whatever I desire in the physical reality Always remember that you are God, and God is all about creation. God says yes: the ego says no. In order to have abundance in all areas of your life, you must create the space of receiving…
Guilt I release any beliefs that no longer assist in my soul’s growth The energy of fear has many guises to complicate your path to loving yourself. Guilt is the most devious, because it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It is a self-imposed emotion that pretends to be instructive and enlightening. Guilt can…
Worry I am learning that worry doesn’t change on outcome Worry is a wasted emotion; it does nothing other than give you the illusion of control. When you expend too much energy worrying, it limits you and has an adverse effects on the natural energy of the soul, Worrying destroys the hope, faith, and excitement…
Discipline I can accomplish what I set my mind to Your soul has a goal, but it has also chosen to incarnate into a world of distractions. Earth is a dimension of obstacles and challenges, but you have been given discipline as your birthright. It is time to remind yourself what your soul has come…