Your chakra system is the energy system of your body. It is just as important as any other system in your physical body. If you don’t have energy flowing freely, you likely feel it, though it can manifest in ways you may not realize. If there is an underactive or overactive chakra, it can manifest itself in many ways depending upon the actual chakra. Once you are aware of it, you can make different choices that align with your own Divine Nature which will in turn begin to balance the chakra.
This reading is a detailed analysis of your personal chakra system. It includes all 7 chakras and grounding cords how they are functioning at the physical level, the emotional level and the mental level. I help you to figure out what is causing the imbalances and suggest ways to rebalance them.
This reading is 45 minutes in length . Upon receipt of your order, look for an email from me to get your reading scheduled and the information I require to access your personal record.