With the weather getting warmer and the sun coming out to play…. Now is the time to Clear your home… Melody and I use smudging wands to do this, however a feather will do the same thing!
Please make sure you burn your smudging plants, charcoal, or candles, any type of fire in something that can handle it, will not burn with the product also will not give off toxic fumes.

I cannot say it enough Please use extra care if you are pregnant, this may not be the time to start smudging.
Make it your ritual, have pure intent. Your intent can never be to harm or hurt anyone or anything, it must be pure loving intent.
If you feel negative energy, with love send it into the light and love of Mother Earth, or Universe.
If you need help Clearing your house Please contact us at
Eagles Moon Healing.com or via email EMH@EaglesMoonHealing.com
or call us at 470-333-2443