
  • Daily Card Reading ~ Now I have no pain.

    Daily Card Reading ~ Now I have no pain.

    Now I have no pain.   “you worried whether I suffered in my passing, and I’m here now to tell you that all physical pain is connected to the body. Now that my has been laid to rest, I am completely pain-free! “Before, movement was slow and cumbersome. But now I am so light and…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ I am standing right next to you.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I am standing right next to you.

    I am standing right next to you. “As you’re reading these words, so am I, because I’m right beside you at this moment. I do respect your privacy and freewill choices very much. If you’d like me to give you some space, just say the word and I’ll retreat. But for as long as my…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ I am so much better now.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I am so much better now.

     I am so much better now.   “I know you worry about me, and you wonder how much I suffered in my life and passing. Both you and I would feel so much better, though, if you would focus on the present. I promise you that I feel a million percent better now that I’m…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Forgiveness

    Daily Card Reading ~ Forgiveness

     Forgiveness I acknowledge that harboring resentment blocks the flow of love   You can never flow with your natural energy of love unless you release the negative energy of hate, anger,  intolerance, or blame. Every soul in your path has free will, and you have no control over that. What you do have control over…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~If I had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently

    Daily Card Reading ~If I had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently

    If I had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently.   “While living on the earth, if I had realized just how creative and powerful my thoughts were and their effect on another person, I would have been so much more aware of what I put out. “Of course, I…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ The Earth is our school.

    Daily Card Reading ~ The Earth is our school.

    The Earth is our school. “We often forget, when living in a physical body, that Earth isn’t our true home: heaven is. Heaven is a lot like Earth, with people, animals, flowers, trees, and such. The difference is that up here, there is no competition to meet physical needs. After all, you don’t have to…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Pride

    Daily Card Reading ~ Pride

    Pride I love myself, and I see myself in everyone You need to take time to honor and acknowledge who you are and what your soul has accomplished with your life thus far. You should look at your past soul choices and be mindful of how through your positive actions, compassion, and understanding, you have…

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  • New Moon ~ December 12, 2023

    New Moon ~ December 12, 2023

    Many people believe that the new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions, new beginnings, and manifesting positive changes in their lives. Here are some common rituals associated with the new moon: Setting Intentions: Take some time to reflect on what you want to manifest or achieve in the upcoming lunar cycle. Write down…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Discipline

    Daily Card Reading ~ Discipline

    Discipline I can accomplish what I set my mind to. Your soul has a goal, but it has also chosen to incarnate into a world of distractions. Earth is a dimension of obstacles and challenges, but you have been given discipline as your birthright. It is time to remind yourself what your soul has come…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Death

    Daily Card Reading ~ Death

    Death   I am learning that endings are merely beginnings. Death is an illusion; It’s a fact of life that the human body we use to travel the earth must eventually stop working. It’s not meant to exist forever. The energy and consciousness that inhabited that body is free and returns to its natural home,…

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