• Daily Card Reading ~ I feel healthy and happy.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I feel healthy and happy.

    I feel Healthy and happy.   “I can now do amazing things I never dreamed were possible, and it feels like I’m doing them in a physical body….. except I’m so much lighter, freer, and more flexible. So I can do acrobatics if I want, I can fly, I can jump as high as a…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Tears Cleanse the soul.

    Daily Card Reading ~ Tears Cleanse the soul.

    Tears cleanse the soul. “When you cry, I am even closer to you, hugging and reassuring you. Sometimes you feel my presence, and sometimes not. However, I want you to know how beautiful you are when you are vulnerable with your heart fully open, feeling your raw emotions. “Tears are a way to wash your…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ I have no more earthly worries.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I have no more earthly worries.

    I have no more earthly worries.   “ I have to be honest with you: life was very stressful for me. I probably should have been more open and forth-coming about my feelings, because I held them in most of the time… and that was damaging for me physically and emotionally. I will admit to…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Don’t be afraid.

    Daily Card Reading ~ Don’t be afraid.

    Don’t be afraid “My transition has changed everything for both of us, and you may be frightened of the future as a result. Please know that you have nothing to fear, my love. Rest assured that all of heaven is watching over you, including me. “ “Although you can’t be in my physical presence any…

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  • Daily Card Reading~ As a soul, I can be in several places at once.

    Daily Card Reading~ As a soul, I can be in several places at once.

    As a soul, I can be in several places at once. “Without the human body, I am free, and I have amazing new abilities! I can travel to any place and almost any dimension, with just a thought! It’s like living in one of those flying dreams that you and I discussed. So, I can…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ I was met by so many loving people

    Daily Card Reading ~ I was met by so many loving people

    I was met by so many loving people “I want to put your mind at rest. I did not die alone! None of us ever comes into the earth world or ever enters into heaven alone. I was met by all of our loving relatives, friends, and even souls I did not expect! I was…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ There is no such thing as death

    Daily Card Reading ~ There is no such thing as death

    There is no such thing as Death. “I am as much alive as you are, because our souls are a life-force energy that can never be extinguished. Only my body has been released, and that was a dense form of earthly energies. My soul and yours are beautifully fine, high-vibrational energies, which live for eternity.…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Life is a series of choices. Choose love.

    Daily Card Reading ~ Life is a series of choices. Choose love.

    Life is a series of Choices, Choose love. “Love is the true nature of your soul. By making a choice for love instead of fear, you are saying yes to God. I remember in life when I would let other people’s opinions of me define who I was. I was never good enough to be…

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  • Daily Card Readings ~ I am surrounded by loving animals

    Daily Card Readings ~ I am surrounded by loving animals

    I am surrounded by loving animals. “You know that I’m an animal lover, so you’ll rejoice to hear that I’m, surrounded by beloved pets and an array of wonderful animal friends. Animals definitely have souls and feelings, and they make the best earthly—and heavenly—companions. They’re even sweeter here than they were on Earth. “When I…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ I will always point you in the right direction.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I will always point you in the right direction.

    I will always point you in the right direction   “Although I’m not God or an angel, I do have the ability to guide you. Keep in mind that I’m not privy to the all-knowing wisdom of the Universe—for that, you’d want to consult God (which you can do, just by asking for help). However,…

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