
  • Happy Memorial Day

    Wishing  everyone a Happy Safe Memorial Day! Everyone at Eagle’s Moon Healing wants to Thank everyone in the Armed Forces for the service, dedication, and devotion. Thank you for our Freedom!

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  • Solar Plexus Crystals

    Crystals for the Solar Plexus Please remember to clean, clear, and tune your crystals. Use the crystals that resonate with you! These are just a few of the crystals that you could use for the Solar Plexus. Solar Plexus Color: Yellow Element; Fire Yellow Citrine; access your personal power Sunstone: reducing tension in the stomach…

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  • consultation

    I have had several questions, I should have made this clear. OOOPS!!! Because I had this question on ear wax, I thought other people might have the same question. Before deciding on an oil or maybe an ear cone you should talk to someone. I did a consultation on this ear wax problem, I wanted…

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  • Ear Wax

    I received a request for Ear Wax removal. They want it natural, of course! I know there are several around, ask for symptoms, problems, and what are you allergic to! Please remember this is not medical advise, if you require medical advise go see your Doctor. For this situation this is what I have come…

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  • What’s in products?

    Have you ever wondered what is in products, oils you use, or maybe aura sprays? Well I did, so I started reading labels…. I was shocked! You expect okay… I did…. that products as in Moldavite oil should be pure, well they are not! I love Moldavite oil I use for clearings, mediation, Reiki, La…

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  • Crystals for your Sacral Chakra

    Crystals for the Sacral Chakra Citrine, orange carnelian, Golden topaz Color is orange, element is water. Remember to use the crystal that resonates with you, each of us is different, I like Citrine, However golden topaz may work better/ balance you. Trust yourself ask questions let your intuition speak to you. Eagles Moon Healing.com please…

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  • Crystals for your Chakras

    Today I will start a series of articles on what crystals to use for each chakra. This will help you choose which crystal you resonate with. Root Chakra Crystals Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger’s eye, Garnet, Ruby, Hematite, Onyx, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz. Remember to use the crystal that resonates with you, each of us is different,…

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  • Crown Chakra

    Today I’m going to write about the Crown Chakra. The crown chakra is located on the top of your head, or crown. The color of this chakra is violate, white, or gold . The crown chakra is clarity of perception and self understanding. Mind focused on related issues, including reprogramming of dysfunctional patterns and behavior.…

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  • Third Eye Chakra

    The Third Eye Chakra is concerned with higher functions of consciousness. It is the Sixth all the chakras, resonating to the color indigo. When the root chakra is too open (or spins too fast), the characteristics are highly logical, dogmatic, authoritarian, arrogant. On the other side, if it is blocked or closed (spins sluggishly or…

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  • Throat Chakra

    Throat Chakra Throat Chakra is associated with communication, self expression, and sound creativity. Throat chakra is the first of the higher chakra’s, resonating to the color Blue. When the throat chakra is too open (or spins too fast), the characteristics are over talker, dogmatic, self righteous, and arrogant. On the other side, if it is…

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