
  • Daily Card Reading ~ I am standing right next to you.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I am standing right next to you.

    I am standing right next to you. “As you’re reading these words, so am I, because I’m right beside you at this moment. I do respect your privacy and freewill choices very much. If you’d like me to give you some space, just say the word and I’ll retreat. But for as long as my…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ I am so much better now.

    Daily Card Reading ~ I am so much better now.

     I am so much better now.   “I know you worry about me, and you wonder how much I suffered in my life and passing. Both you and I would feel so much better, though, if you would focus on the present. I promise you that I feel a million percent better now that I’m…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~If I had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently

    Daily Card Reading ~If I had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently

    If I had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently.   “While living on the earth, if I had realized just how creative and powerful my thoughts were and their effect on another person, I would have been so much more aware of what I put out. “Of course, I…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ The Earth is our school.

    Daily Card Reading ~ The Earth is our school.

    The Earth is our school. “We often forget, when living in a physical body, that Earth isn’t our true home: heaven is. Heaven is a lot like Earth, with people, animals, flowers, trees, and such. The difference is that up here, there is no competition to meet physical needs. After all, you don’t have to…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Death

    Daily Card Reading ~ Death

    Death   I am learning that endings are merely beginnings. Death is an illusion; It’s a fact of life that the human body we use to travel the earth must eventually stop working. It’s not meant to exist forever. The energy and consciousness that inhabited that body is free and returns to its natural home,…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Change

    Daily Card Reading ~ Change

    Change I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement There is a certain comfort in the idea of living a life without surprises. The status quo has an appeal, but you will never learn or grow if your circumstances stay the same. Everybody wants life to be better, but that requires change. You…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Success

    Daily Card Reading ~ Success

    Success I know that there is no greater goal than to love Success can mean many things to the ego self. But the soul only knows one triumph, and that is to love. When your soul is no longer manifested in the physical dimension, it is a time of reflection on how successful it was…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Denial

    Daily Card Reading ~ Denial

    Denial I acknowledge my fear, but I replace it with the insight of awareness   It is time to open up and be completely honest with yourself at this present moment. Buried fears and resentments do not die; they merely fester and cause dis-ease. Only by bringing them to the surface and examining them in…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Peace

    Daily Card Reading ~ Peace

    Peace I am being of love, and I release all negative energy This is a gentle reminder that balance in the mind is imperative in order for your soul to live its true nature. At this time in your life, you are to learn the value of peace and quiet and the joy of being…

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  • Daily Card Reading ~ Courage

    Daily Card Reading ~ Courage

      Courage I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence You need to remind yourself that part of the challenge of being a soul is learning to honor your own power. By listening to your inner voice and following its advice, you are acknowledging the perfection of your intuition. Fear is only an…

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