
  • Take a minute for Healing 222

    Take a minute for Healing 222

    Look for the numbers 222 today, this will remind today is a wonderful day of healing! This month of February (2) with the day of 22, makes it powerful! Take time to offer healing to anyone that needs it, or self healing.

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  • Akashic Record Guides and Guardians

    Akashic Record Guides and Guardians

    Akashic Record Guides and Guardian Here are the most common questions I am asked. The first question asked is how many guides are there? Well, here is my answer.. there are at least two, but can be many more… we will have at least one additional guide that changes as we experience new things in…

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  • What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading.

    What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading.

    What to expect from a Specific Akashic Record Reading. First, we will chat about you to get you relaxed and ready for a reading and to get you thinking about what you would like out of the reading. I will ask if you have ever had a reading before if so have you gone to…

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  • Smudging  Aura Spray

    Smudging Aura Spray

    Smudging Aura Spray   Smudging Spray is great for those times when you just cannot burn sage, sweetgrass, cedar, palo santo removing negative energy, stagnant energy, clearing auras, removing anyone else’s energy, and negative entities. This spray has the properties in it to remove negative energy and also to replace it with positive energy, it…

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  • Soul Profile and Clearing

    Soul Profile and Clearing

    I recommend Soul Profile and Clearing readings first and foremost for all clients. Soul Profile and Clearing readings are the doorway to the Akashic Records, and help to free you of all negative ties and attachments, as well as helping you to truly discover who you are at the soul level, and what your true…

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  • Akashic Record Readings

    Akashic Record Readings

      The Akashic Records are an energetic database that stores all the information about all choices that were ever made. Each soul has its own record which contains all the information about that soul back to the moment of its origination from Divine Source. There are several different readings available. I highly recommend a Soul…

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  • Happy Tuesday

    Happy Tuesday

    Have a great day!

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  • Full Moon – Corn Moon

    Corn Moon!! As is true of all Full Moons, we are being challenged to find a balance between the qualities of the two signs involved. This Full Moon has us dealing with the qualities of Virgo and Pisces. Virgo is an earth sign with keywords such as practical, analytic, organized, humble, and physical health. Pisces…

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  • Closed Labor Day!

    Closed Labor Day!

    Eagle’s Moon Healing is closed today! We want to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day!

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